SURE in the School of Business & Economics
The Summer Undergraduate Research Experience in the School of Business & Economics provides research opportunities for students studying accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing.
Students selected for the SURE program spend 10 weeks during the summer engaged in full-time research and intensive scholarship with a faculty mentor. Students selected for the SURE program receive a stipend, as well as campus housing and a meal card.
Application Deadline: Monday, March 24, 2025
The SURE committee seeks applications from students in their first through third year of study at Carthage, and welcomes students from any of the majors offered on campus. Each division/school evaluates proposals and supports its own faculty and student collaborations. Please make sure you are using the application process of the school that is the primary home of the faculty mentor. If you propose working with a faculty member in accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing, this is your application page. Interested students should speak with a project advisor (business faculty member) before completing the SURE application.
The SURE research activities are expected to contribute in a meaningful way to the education of the student and to the research agenda of the faculty mentor. For this reason, a full-time commitment is expected of the student. Each SURE student is required to write a summative project report to be submitted to the SURE Committee no later than the end of the semester following SURE.
All students and faculty participating in the program will meet periodically for lunch and presentations on research progress. At the end of the program, students and faculty present their collaborative research or creative project during the annual Celebration of Scholars poster session, and the entire Carthage community is invited to view and discuss the results of each SURE project.
The selection process is competitive. A research mentor must be chosen before submitting the application, and the mentor must agree to supervise the research project. The selection committee will consider only complete applications. A complete SURE application consists of three elements:
- Student Application
- Mentor Form: Research abstract, budget summary, and student evaluation.
- Faculty Recommendation: An evaluation of the student’s suitability for the program from a faculty member other than the proposed research faculty mentor.
Award winners will be announced by Friday, April 11, 2025.